Is HHN dead for 2020?

Rumors are abound at the moment that Universal might be trying to undertake some form of reduced HHN at Universal Studios Park in Orlando.

Details are highly sketchy at the moment due to the issues surrounding the Corona Virus and various staff furloughs, so plans are likely to continue to change.

What do you know? We know for sure that Universal has extended the operating hours of the main Studio park for select days in October. Why is this strange? Because the park’s attendance levels has dropped massively during the Pandemic, Disney has been actively reducing hours due to low demand, so for Universal to extend hours they must have done this for a reason…

It’s impossible to commit here to all the rumors we have received at HHNU HQ but it would point to some form of add-on ticket likely being offered to day guests to possibly give them access to the Soundstage houses. We’ve heard from a number of Scareactor and technicians who have been called back for these select houses.

So whilst whatever is being planned will be no where near the level of HHN, this could be a smaller affair, a Diet Coke HHN if you please. In at least, that’s the rumor…. for now…..

Remember, these are just rumors and nothing is confirmed until Universal confirms otherwise.

Would you welcome a day-time Halloween Horror Nights, a type of extra ticket Halloween Horror Days or should HHN be saved for 2021 only? Let us know in the comments!